New Paper: Warming impacts carbon fluxes from permafrost river

About: Xu et al., (2024), Environmental Science & Technology (link)

Sampling in the Yangtze Headwaters. Copyright Sen Xu

In a new paper spearheaded by Sen Xu from Tianjin University, we investiagate the role of warming for the export of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) in two major rivers that drain the eastern Qinghai−Tibetan Plateau.

Warming trend in the Jinsha River Basin

In the Jinsha River that has 51% of its catchment underlain by continuous permafrost, DIC fluxes increase substantially over the past 40 years. Changes in river discharge play a negligible role for that increase in flux. Instead, the increase in DIC fluxes correlates most strongly with the temperature increase.

DIC fluxes: Pink points are the total flux and yellow points the flux normalized for variations in runoff.

The Yalong river that is situated at lower elevation and has only 14% permafrost cover does not show a substantial increase in DIC fluxes. This observation suggest that the presence or absence of permafrost may strongly modulate the sensitivity of inorganic carbon fluxes to global warming.